Curious About Thai : Phuket Diary

Recently i have been in a mood to wander and  my wanderlust took me to the Asian land of Thai.Sailing over the tropics of Thailand for a picture perfect holiday.
The trip started from Phuket (pronounced poo-ket) to the south of Thailand .It is an hour and a half flight from Bangkok.The place is known for being the beachy part of Thailand and perfect for going island hopping.
I stayed near Patong beach at Kalima Beach Resort which was a beautiful contemporary resort nestled on a lush jungle clad hillside .It gave a dual luxury of staying on a hill while appreciating the beauty of the Andaman sea from your hotel room.
I kick started my day by visiting the Tiger Kingdom where the tigers are supposed to be brought up  in highly peaceful and friendly manner so that they can mix up with the humans species at ease.There were various options to meet tigers from which you can choose from a new born cub to a full grown adult.Well i obviously went for the cutest 3 month old cubs named ‘Toffee’ and ‘Papha’. I got to spend more than 20 minutes with the two naughty cubs who were busy playing with each other.I decided to end my day by strolling down the Patong Beach which was a five minute walk from my hotel and experienced the enchanting sunset by the Andaman sea.
On the second day i went island hopping to Phi Phi Islands.These amazing bunch of floating islands have a breathtaking view with endless blues to compliment their beauty.I experienced snorkeling for the first time and went swimming all by my self to a stranded white sand Monkey Island ,.The island famous for having monkeys  and when i reached the shore there were a bunch of monkeys to welcome me and thankfully they were friendly enough :P.
I must say island hopping and snorkeling was one of the best experience of the whole trip .
Curious Component – Shivi :)



  1. Thailand my fav destination too…..beautiful pictures…..and how i love thai food….i almost felt like going to the thai land reading your post….

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